LaCAN LogoLaCAN (Louisiana Citizens for Action Now) is a statewide grassroots network of individuals, families, and advocates who have worked together since 1988 advocating for a service system that supports individuals with disabilities to live in their own homes rather than having to be segregated from their communities in a facility to receive support. Specifically, they have advocated for implementation of Louisiana’s Community and Family Support System Plan which was enacted by Louisiana Act 378.

Regional LaCAN teams include family members, individuals with disabilities, advocates and professionals. These members are notified by email or phone when communication with state agency officials, legislators or the Governor is necessary. LaCAN provides information and support to individuals wishing to effectively advocate for the expansion and improvement of individual and family supports and services for people with disabilities and their families through email updates, regional workshops, regional team leaders, and personal contact.

Get involved. Join LaCAN now!

Contact Us
Autism Society of Greater New Orleans (ASGNO)
P.O. Box 7028
Metairie, LA 70010

(504) 603-6548

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