The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans (ASGNO) will hold our annual Autism Festival on Saturday, April 19th from 11am – 3pm at the Westwego Farmers’ Market. The Festival is our main fundraiser and source of revenue that we use to offer services that empower, educate, and support our New Orleans Autism community.
As of 2023, the CDC estimates 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with Autism. Our community is growing, and so it is imperative that our organization continue to expand our supports and services so that everyone in the Autism Community is connected to the support they need when they need it. To see our 2024 impact, click HERE.
This event is a success year after year because of the support from people just like you! There are so many ways you can be involved and help us put on this event! Please use the forms linked below to let us know how you would like to be involved. Or check out all the information about our Sponsor Opportunities, Vendor information, Silent Auction Donations, and Volunteer opportunities on this webpage.
Sponsor the Festival Vendor Registration
Silent Auction Donation Form Volunteer Registration
Sponsorship levels.
Our sponsor packages offer some great promotional opportunities. We have a social media reach of over 5,500 people, plus 1,700 subscribers to our email newsletter and we expect to have about 500 people in attendance at the Festival.
Our sponsorship packages start at $125 and every sponsor will receive:
- Name/ logo listed on website event page.
- Option to host a complementary table at the event.
Additional Perks for each sponsor level are listed next to them below. click here to view our full Partner Opportunities document. Or click here for a comparison of the Sponsor level perks at a glance.
Sponsor Deadline is April, 3 2023 at 11:59 PM, sponsorships can be purchased after this date, but there is NO GURANTEE your logo will be on the signs for the event.
NOTE: Due to high processing fees, online payment without additional fees is available only for Gold-Bronze Sponsors. For Village sponsors and up we request you pay via check or direct deposit (if applicable). Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 7028 Metairie, LA 70010, or arrangements can be made for checks to be picked up from your office in the Greater New Orleans area.
Named Partner-$8,000 This sponsor will have exclusive naming rights to the event “Autism Festival Presented by SPONSOR” (SOLD OUT-Thank you to the Oscar J. Tolmas Charitable Trust)
Sponsor’s Facebook Page tagged as partner on main, boosted promotional post for eventFOUR sponsor spotlights on our social media pageName/ logo on banner in a prominent location at the eventName/ logo on promotional materials (posters, emails, graphics, etc)Name will be included in press release and all press opportunitiesPlus all perks listed in bronze- gold levels
Admission Sponsor-$4,000 This sponsor will cover the cost of admission for all participants. “Admission to the festival is free thanks to a generous donation by SPONSOR” (Sold out-Thank you to Insul-Tech!)
FOUR sponsor spotlights on our social media/ email blastName/ logo on a banner at or near the entrance of the eventName/ logo on promotional materials (posters, emails, graphics, etc)Name will be included in press release and all press opportunitiesPlus all perks listed in bronze-gold levels
Village Sponsor- $1000 This sponsor will have naming rights to a specific area of the festival “Silent Auction sponsored by SPONSOR” (5 Available)
- Name/ logo on a banner at the sponsored area (stage, silent auction, craft village, etc)
- Name/ logo on sponsor banner at event
- Name/ logo on our event website
- TWO sponsor spotlights on our social media/ email blast
- Plus all perks listed in bronze-gold level
- Name/ logo on sponsor banner at the festival
- Name/ logo in the fest e-newsletter
- Name/ logo on website event page
- TWO sponsor spotlights on our social media page
- Name/logo in the fest e-newsletter
- Name/ logo on website event page
- ONE sponsor spotlight on our social media page
- No additional perks name on event website and complementary booth space only.
In-Kind Sponsor If you would like to donate goods and/or services in exchange for a sponsorship, please contact our Event Coordinator Megan Miller directly so she can create a custom package just for you
We are always looking for donations of silent auction items, store gift cards, advertisement and promotional consideration, and more!
Part of the success of our Festival is from donations of goods from businesses just like you! If you would like to arrange an in-kind donation in exchange for a sponsorship, please contact Megan at
Vendor/agency tables.
Application Deadline: April 11, 2024 or while spots remain
We are seeking Craft vendors and local providers/agencies to participate in our event. The exhibit space pricing is as followed:
- Non-profit organizations are welcome to present at the festival free of charge provided you are NOT selling anything. Please provide proof of your non-profit status.
- For-profit businesses and providers who are NOT selling any items- $20 per booth.
- Vendors selling items, services, or other merchandise- $40 per covered booth space or $30 for uncovered booth space.
- Food Truck Uncovered area- $30 food trucks will be provided with an uncovered place to park on the festival premises
You can sign up for a booth space and pay using the form below.
Important notes:
- Electricity is provided at covered booths only.
- ASGNO will NOT be providing tables or chairs, vendors must bring their own.
- Tents are not provided. If you sign up for an uncovered booth you will need to bring your own.
- The event will occur rain or shine. Accommodations will be made in the event of rain.
- No refunds of booth fees are available.
- Vendors and Agencies may begin set up at 9:30 AM on the day of the event. All tables should be ready no later than 10:45 AM.
- We request that all vendors refrain from stocking/distributing items containing the “Puzzle Piece” imagery. This imagery and associated language is considered by many Autistic individuals to be harmful, and we want this event to be inclusive and safe.
- Vendors are encouraged to donate a portion of their profit to the Autism Society Greater New Orleans
Our volunteers are what make our Festival possible! Individuals and groups are welcome to come help us out before the fest to set up, during the Festival, and afterwards. Volunteers are needed from 9:30 am -3:30 pm on the day of the fest.
Volunteer positions include:
- Registration
- Silent Auction Monitors
- Activity Facilitators
- Floats
- Parking Monitors
We require volunteers to be at least 16 years old and to not require supervision to complete tasks. We at ASGNO strive to offer equal opportunities to all our volunteers and are ready and happy to make reasonable accommodations as needed for individuals to volunteer. If you have any questions about volunteering, please email our Executive Director Claire Tibbetts at