#CelebrateDifferences for Autism Acceptance Month.

April is for Acceptance

The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans celebrates differences as we work to build an inclusive society where individuals with autism live fully through connection and acceptance. 
This year, we shift from “Awareness” to “Acceptance” and advocate for lawmakers to federally designate April as Autism Acceptance Month. While we will always work to spread awareness, words matter, and the need for acceptance is greater than ever, as we strive for autistic individuals to live fully in all areas of life. As many individuals
 and families affected by autism know, acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to finding and developing a strong support system throughout the lifespan.
The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans understands the importance of fostering acceptance to have the right support and opportunities in healthcare equity, education, gainful employment, housing, and long term care.
We are making an impact, but we need your help to reach our $5000 goal for Autism Acceptance Month. Discover below how you can get involved through our social media takeover event, sponsorship opportunities, peer-to-peer fundraising, planned giving, and more.


Press Release

About the Campaign

#Celebrate Differences

Designed to build a better awareness of the signs, symptoms, and realities of autism, #CelebrateDifferences focuses on providing information and resources for communities to be more aware of autism, promote acceptance, and be more inclusive in everyday life. Inclusion begins with Acceptance.


#IAmMe seeks to empower autistic individuals by highlighting strengths as we #CelebrateDifferences. Join the #IAmMe challenge by sharing a photo of yourself 

doing a favorite activity

, to show pride and promote acceptance for the autism community.

Why Acceptance?  Why Now?

Words matter. As we work to create a more accepting society, we must also accept autistic individuals for who they

 are. Acceptance is often one of the biggest barriers to being valued and finding and developing a strong support system. Fostering acceptance is critically important to improve opportunities in education, employment, accessible housing, affordable health care and comprehensive long-term services and supports.

Autism community advocates across the country have a long-standing history of using the term “acceptance” as a means of more fully integrating those 1 in every 54 Americans living with autism into our social fabric. There has never been a formal designation for the month, regardless of terminology. Therefore, as part of this shift, the Autism Society of America along side its affiliates is leading a significant effort for the federal government to officially designate April as “Autism Acceptance Month.”

Autism Facts

Autism is a complex,  lifelong developmental disability that typically appears during early childhood and can impact aAAM what is autism person’s relationships, communication, self-regulation, and social skills.

1 in 54 individuals are diagnosed with autism every year in the United States.  

Over 1.5 million individuals in the United States are on the autism spectrum, autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the US

500.000 autistic individuals are transitioning to adulthood in the United States

85% of autistic adults with a college education are unemployed

Click here to download our informational graphic

Autism Society of Greater New Orleans Facts

The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans’ mission is to improve the lives of all affected by autism.  We support our community through our free information and referral service, our free virtual support and social programs, and by providing educational information. We seek to continue to expand the services and supports we offer to our community.  All funds donated to our organization stay in the Greater New Orleans area to help families.

2020 By the Numbers:

305 area families and individuals helped through our I&R program

Over $100,000 distributed to area families and teachers through our Mini-Grant Program over the last 10 years

60 Participants given the opportunity for social interaction and support through our virtual programming

11,158 people helped by our free COVID-19 Resource Page


$20 provides 1 hour of FREE information and referral

$50 provides 1 hour of virtual social and support programing for autistic individuals and their families

$100 supports development and distribution of our free educational and resource documents

$200 provides one mini-grant for families or teachers

Visit Local Businesses to Support ASGNO

A number of local businesses are partnering with us this month to spread awareness and raise money!  Quinn’s Apothecary, Bad Wolf Nerd Lair, JamNOLA, Kendra Scott, Reginelli’s Pizza, and Surge Adventure park are all participating! Check out all their offerings using the button below!

Learn More!

Social Media Takeover

In order to spread our message of acceptance, ASGNO is seeking 30 businesses or organizations that will allow ASGNO to “Take Over” their social media for one day in April. We will provide you with 6 posts that will include text and a graphic and ask that you set them to post throughout the day.  These posts will include information about autism, information about why acceptance is important, and information about how community members can receive help from our organization and other affiliates.

That’s it! That’s all we need from you to be one of our community partners of change.  We would love to be able to partner with you to promote our message of Autism Acceptance in Louisiana.

If you are interested in learning more, email our Event Coordinator Alicia Dardar at eventcoordinator@asgno.org

Ways to Give

  • Make a donation
  • Planned giving, make the Autism Society of Greater New Orleans a beneficiary in your will
  • Host a peer-to-peer fundraiser; host a Facebook fundraiser here.
  • Contribute through your workplace giving option
  • Join the #IAmMe challenge! We encourage autistic individuals and loved ones to share a photo doing something you love or highlighting something you’re proud of, and add the hashtag, #IAmMe.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Help us reach our Fundraising goal by sponsoring a donation match partnership during Autism Acceptance Month!  If you are interested in being a match partner, email Claire Tibbetts, our Administrative Manager at info@asgno.org

Matching Sponsor – Gold – $500- 4 available

Social Media: copy & content provided by Sponsor, approved & scheduled by ASGNO
2 (two) Facebook posts
2 (two) Twitter posts
1 (one) Instagram post
1 (one) LinkedIn post
1 (one) Press release or blog post announcing the Match Partner posted to our website
Match Partner announcement in 1 (one) AAM email (sent out by ASGNO)
Sponsor highlight in 1 (one) AAM email (sent out by ASGNO)
Recognition of sponsorship displayed on the home page of our website
Recognition in our Affiliate’s 2021 Annual Report

Matching Sponsor – Platinum – $2500 Match- 1 available

Social Media: copy & content provided by Sponsor, approved & scheduled by ASGNO
3 (three) Facebook posts
3 (three) Twitter posts
2 (two) Instagram posts
2 (two) LinkedIn posts
1 (one) Press release or blog post announcing  your Match Partnership posted to our website
Match Partner announcement in 1 (one) AAM email (sent out by ASGNO)
Sponsor highlight in 3 (three) AAM emails (sent out by ASGNO)
Recognition of sponsorship displayed on the home page of our website
Recognition in our Affiliate’s 2021 Annual Report

Contact Us
Autism Society of Greater New Orleans (ASGNO)
P.O. Box 7028
Metairie, LA 70010

(504) 603-6548

Follow Us