In honor of Black History Month, the top focus for our February Toolkit is on Autism and Race. There are significant disparities that exist in education, healthcare and support services for autistic individuals of color. Our aim is to shine a spotlight on these inequities, and provide more information and resources related to autism and race.
The toolkit also provides resources for Relationship Building & Socialization, COVID-19 Vaccine education and continued COVID-19 support.
Autism & Race
- Autism & Racial Disparities: Morénike Giwa Onaiwu
- CDC: 2020 Community Report
- Health City: Autism Disparities and Racism: An Interview with Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, MPH
- The Autism Society is Committed to Equality for All, and Condemns Racial Injustice
- Mixed Feelings About the COVID-19 Vaccine Across Demographic Lines
- Autism Society Facebook Live: Autism & Race
- Autism Society: Race & Autism Resources
Relationship Building & Socialization
- Autism Society: Social/Relationships
- Facebook Live Series: Building Sibling Relationships Panel
- The Place for Children with Autism: Helping your Child on the Spectrum Build Meaningful Relationships
- Organization for Autism Research: Dating Tips from a Man with Autism
- Hiki: Neuro-diverse dating app for the Autism community.
- Boston University: Safe Dates for Teens with High Functioning-Autism Spectrum Disorder
COVID-19 Support Resources
- COVID-19 Toolkit
- Social Stories
- Mental Health & Respite
- Vaccine Education:
- Autism Society’s Vaccine Statement
- Autism Society’s Vaccine Social Story
Policy Resources
- The US Department of Education released its 42nd Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2020.
- The Kaiser Family Foundation published the COVID-19 “Vaccination Line”: An Update on State Prioritization Plans
- The Biden Plan for Full Participation and Equality for People with Disabilities