COVID-19 Resources and Closures

The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans is dedicated to improving the lives of all affected by autism in our community.  As concerns increase about the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19),  The Autism Society of Greater New Orleans encourages the autism community to practice good hygiene, rely on reputable sources for information, and review preparedness plans.

To that end, we have complied some resources here on our website to assist local families in navigating the changes caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. This is a rapidly evolving situation and we will endeavor to update this page as soon as possible as new information and resources become available.  This list is not exhaustive and if you have any questions about what is open or closed, please contact the organizations in question directly.  If you know of any closures or cancellations that should be added to the list, please email them to us at

If you are looking for information about available assistance to help families impacted by COVID-19 please CLICK HERE.

Cancellations and Closures

Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans-In-Person assistance closed, still available via phone

Libraries open by appointment only

Communication and Daily Life

How to Talk to Children about the Coronavirus

Free Printable Social Story about the Coronavirus

Developing Visual Schedules

Kahn Academy Sample Schedules for Children of various ages

Free AAC Chat Board for discussing COVID-19

What to do when your routine is disrupted due to COVID-19

How to Create a sensory room

ASA Oregon DIY sensory items booklet

Life Skills Teaching Videos

Education and Enrichment

Chrome Extensions for children with special needs

Shadows for Life’s Journey offering Academic Support

List of Free Learning Websites for Kids

Scholastic Learn at Home Website

List of Gifted and Talented Enrichment Support Materials by Subject

PBS Kids online learning materials

Engineering Activities

Huge list of additional resources

Q&A on providing educational services under IDEA during the COVID-19 outbreak

National Park Junior Ranger Badges by mail

NASA makes whole media library publicly accessible and copyright free

Children’s Book Authors doing Read-Alouds and Activities

Indoor Games and Activities for Children

Animals of the Everglades

Virtual Tours and Entertainment

12 Museums with Virtual Tours

Cincinnati Zoo Safari At Home Facebook Lives

Metropolitan Opera Live Streams

National Park Virtual Tours

Seattle Symphony Live Streams

Accompanist App to allow home practicing for music, or for fun

Free Art Lessons on FB Live

Universal to Release movies on On-Demand at same time as theater Release

Virtual Concerts to stream

Georgia Aquarium has livecams

Mental Health and Stress Management

Autism Society of Minnesota Guide to Managing Self-Quarantine and Social Distancing created by adults with autism

Louisiana Department of Health offers FREE COUNSELING on the Keep Calm Through COVID Helpline

How to Calm yourself down

NPR-5 tips to regain calm

Mental Health and coping during COVID-19

Caregiver guide to helping families cope with COVID-19 Stress

Resource list from Mental Health America

Hygiene and COVID-19 Information

Video and Pattern to sew CDC compliant face masks

Social Story on Washing Hands

Visual Steps for Hand Washing

Cleaning and Disinfection

Louisiana department of health keep illness from spreading factsheet

CDC information about COVID-19

Louisiana Department of Health COVID-19 Information

About COVID-19 created by individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, specifically for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Testing Sites in New Orleans and Surrounding Areas

Disaster Preparedness

National Autism Society COVID-19 Preparedness and Resources

Louisiana Department of Health Family Preparedness Guide

Emergency Preparedness and Resources

Disaster Preparedness Tips for Families

Contact Us
Autism Society of Greater New Orleans (ASGNO)
P.O. Box 7028
Metairie, LA 70010

(504) 603-6548

Follow Us